Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lauryn + Cory | Wedding Day at Patra

Saturday night came again its time for Duty hobby. I along with partner Tutde went to Patra Bali for the international wedding ceremony Photo Shoot, rain soaked us all the way there, and we started shooting around 3pm. the ceremony went smoothly and the night comes drizzle began, a place that should be at the pool party is finally moving toward the restaurant. she was beautiful, handsome, friendly, families are also welcome to me. free time we walk on the beach for a capture some moment. fitting finished piece of cake and also danced on the floor. and we should be done back to APEL.P official. Thx Amoreta  this is  first join with your team. Congratulation Lauryn and Cory. with Love APEL.P, More check here. see the next topic in my Journey yow. 

Celia + Micheal | Wedding Day at Ayodya

She is very beautiful, so their families Lia call a girl. Michael looks so handsome but nervous. met for a moment and start driving a little style to decorate the album that I will give. He and his family are very friendly and super fun. enjoy the procession after procession. My great thanks to the cooperation Risya. I use this with a love for photographing with my colleagues who always faithfully accompanied Tutde. Consider some of the results that I took in the couple’s happy day. congratulations Lia and Michael.More check here. see the next topic in my Journey yow.